Book 2 is finally here, and will be launched... tomorrow! But since I like you all so much, it's actually in the store today! But only you know... so... tell everybody! Yay! Alright, calm down. Now the really good part.... Book 1 and Book 2 will be FREE tomorrow! Bigger YAY!
That's right, both books will be free on Tuesday, June 24. Remember, if you already got the first book... way back when... it comprises both books 1 & 2. If you want to get both of these newer versions, or if you updated your Kindle version, you'll want to get them both tomorrow for FREE. And if you miss it... never fear! They'll be free again when I release the third book. Wait... you want to know about the third book? Hmm....
Ok, so the third book is actually done and in final edits. I can tell you that some MAJOR things happen. It's a week later (from Book 2), and there is one of the coolest pieces of 1800's technology making a major impact on the story. Want to know what it is??? Here's a hint: the title of the book.
Yep, just for all of you. The title is:
"Zombie Wild West #3 - End of the Line." Can you guess the technology involved?
(another hint: don't think 'tech' like we have, think 1800's).
I'll let you think about it over the next few weeks. I'm excited about all of this. I hope you are, too! Please pass the word about the FREE DAY tomorrow. And remember, Book 3 will be out - on schedule! - on July 16. There will be freebies on that day as well, along with a major promotion push, and so much more!
Thanks again to all of you for your support. I'll have another Facebook post out soon for you to share. See ya soon!