Hello, everyone! Yes, it's been WAY too long since you last heard from me on this blog/info post/whatever it is. And I'm truly sorry about that. Life! (and work, procrastination, etc)
I won't promise to be more consistent, but as always, I will let you know when important things happen. And to that end...
A new book! Yes, that's right, something new in the 'Zombie Wild West' world. But before I get into the details, I want to give you an update on some other big news.
When I first published the book, "Zombie Wild West: Death Walks In," I made the decision to make it one big book that I could be proud of. Part of the process was hiring an editor (that was a MAJOR mistake), advertising, and so much more.
But in the time since then, I have learned that I should have made two books, Book One and Book Two. Then the next book would be... can you guess? Book Three! A trilogy!
I say all of that because I've talked to a lot of people out there, listened to a lot of podcasts, and read a TON of blogs and books and Facebook groups. So, I've decided to follow their advice.
The book I launched, "Death Walks In," will now be the official title of Book One. I will launch it on June 4th. If you bought it before, then Congratulations! You have Books One and Two!
For all of your friends that might be interested, Book One is the place to start. And it will be available on June 4th.
So... that brings us to the REALLY BIG NEWS! Yes, Book Two... and Book Three! The new book is finished and in final edits. It will continue the story of Eli and Daisy, along with the other characters you love... and a few you love to hate.
The books are planned to launch on a three week schedule through June and July. PLEASE, PLEASE... please pass the word! Social media and word-of-mouth are the best ways to advertise anything, and your help is SO important! Be on the lookout for short info posts that you can share to your friends and family.
I think that makes you all my official street team! I really appreciate any and everything you do to make this and future book projects a success. I promise I won't forget you! Oh, and yes, I said 'future' projects. I already have a few things I'm working on.
Last but not least, new music has been added to my Music page. "Pray For Rain" is the latest from Project518. I've put up a sample video so you can listen to a few of the songs. I hope you enjoy it. It'll be available everywhere soon! Thanks!