Along with the great re-design of my web-page, I've created an author-songwriter-musician Facebook page that will deal strictly with those areas.
You can find it by clicking this link. Please consider joining it to stay up-to-date with me.
Now... for those of you friends (and family!) that have been following me at my personal page, the big question for you is: WHY?
Simple. I want to keep that page personal. I considered deleting all my family pics and past posts to make it my business page, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
So, I'm going to lock it down and make the new page wide open.
I hope you understand. And i hope you join my new page as well. I'll be cross-posting occasionally with big items (like new books, new songs, etc), but my intent is to keep those areas of life separate.
Thanks so much.
Stay True!