One of the things I really hoped to do with this blog is get info from you. What you are reading is one of the things I'm interested in. I would like this to be a two-way conversation. Eventually, I plan to give more book recommendations, things that would be complimentary to my personal preferences, but also the types of things you are looking for.
So with that in mind, I'd like to know about a FICTION book or two that you are reading or have read. Also, why? Why did you start it, why did you finish it, what made you keep going? Here, I'll get it going.
"The Annihilation of Foreverland: A Science Fiction Thriller" by Tony Bertauski. I was enthralled by this book from the beginning. I admit I went in a little hesitantly, seeing as how the main characters are all kids, but I really enjoyed it. I would even say it's really close to "Ender's Game," possibly one of my Top 10 books of all time. Great story line, great dialogue, and enough plot twists to keep me guessing. I was also afraid of how the kids would interact, since sometimes authors get a little annoying with that, but I can tell you it was a great read.
So... I just said a lot about that book (and got a second one in!), but that's because this is my blog. If you want to list the name and nothing else, that would be fine. I think we would all benefit from knowing what new good books are out there.
My only request is that you keep the books somewhat family-friendly. No books about 'shades' of different colors and stuff. Let's have fun!
With all this about books, it reminds me to let you know that this Friday, Feb. 23, my book will be on sale all day for $.99! I have a large promotion going on for that day. I'll let you know how it goes and when the next one will be.
Last thing, you'll never guess what? I'm working on the next book in the Zombie Wild West series. Yay! Actually, not yay. Just a little blocked right now, but it'll happen. More on this in the future. Maybe a chapter teaser along the way? We'll see!
Thanks again for being a part of my reading group. And I'll ask, as always, that you help me with two quick things: Share my blog, and leave a review for the book on Amazon. Even if you haven't finished, just your impressions up to where you are at would be enough. Thanks!
Amazon: "Zombie Wild West: Death Walks In"